Murder Mystery: An Auction for Murder

By Chaddsford Winery (other events)

7 Dates Through Jan 31, 2025

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of our popular Murder Mystery series, we’re reprising our very first program, An Auction for Murder.

The setting is Chaddsford Winery, location of the ‘infamous’ General Washington wine auction of January 1925. This rare auction features a special lot of wines purported to have belonged to Gen. George Washington during his defensive campaign in Southeastern PA during the Revolutionary War. 

The wine was discovered under the Winery's old farmhand cottage, where General Washington had dinner in September 1777, just days before the Battle of the Brandywine.  Since their discovery by the winemaker six months ago, controversy has surrounded the six bottles of unmarked wine.  Who is the rightful owner?  Are the wines authentic or fake?  Who will buy them and at what price? 

With stakes this high, it's no surprise that someone ends up dead. And there’s nowhere else to look than the person beside you.  Join the crew to help us locate these mysterious wine bottles and, hopefully, the killer.

Along with an evening of tension, drama, and surprises, you’ll enjoy a full, five-course dinner and delicious PA wine!  Dinner will be presented as a roving dining experience spread out at stations throughout the building, and each course will be carefully paired with Chaddsford wine.

Things To Know

  • All ticket sales are final. Ticket dates cannot be swapped, changed, or refunded. 
  • This is a roaming scavenger-hunt type event. You will walk to several stations throughout the main Winery searching for clues while enjoying delicious food and wine pairings. Some spaces, like the Barrel Room, are unheated - please dress accordingly.
  • Individuals under 21 years of age are not permitted to attend. Valid ID required (no ID, no entry).

Chaddsford Winery does not offer refunds or returns on events, services or products. By registering for this event, you agree to have your likeness reproduced. Attendees assume all risk incidental to participation in all activities, loss or damage to property, and release Chaddsford Winery, it's employees and agents against all claims.  Chaddsford Winery reserves the right to refuse entrance to the event of anyone who is visibly intoxicated or posing a danger to themselves or others.